开馆时间:周二 至 周日 8:00AM - 6:00PM

最晚入场时间:5:30 PM




作为20世纪最具影响力的艺术家之一,约瑟夫·博伊斯(Joseph Beuys)的思想和作品至今仍是全球艺术家和学者的灵感源泉之一。博伊斯研究中心将以博伊斯的作品与思想为核心,打造中国乃至亚洲地区探讨当代艺术与社会议题的重要学术平台。

As one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, the thoughts and works of Joseph Beuys continue to be a source of inspiration for artists and scholars worldwide. The Joseph Beuys Research Center will take Beuys's works and ideas as its core, creating an important academic platform in China and across Asia to discuss contemporary art and social issues.



The Joseph Beuys Research Center is an integral part of the ENNOVA Art Museum and is further attached to the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts and Phoenix Art. The center is dedicated to collecting, researching, and exhibiting a vast array of materials about Joseph Beuys, including literature, artworks, photographs, and videos, making it an essential resource platform for domestic and international art scholars and Beuys researchers.




The mission of the Joseph Beuys Research Center is to support and promote the study of contemporary art, particularly the life and work of Joseph Beuys from a Eurasian perspective. The center provides extensive resources and academic support for artists, scholars, and students in China and across Asia by initiating academic dialogues on themes such as art, notions of energy and the environment. It also promotes Beuys’ interdisciplinary artistic concepts on a global scale, while delving into and exchanging ideas related to contemporary art inspired by his vision.  



Drawing inspiration from Beuys’ experimental and innovative methodologies, the Joseph Beuys Research Center is committed to advancing research in emerging art fields. Through exhibitions, seminars, lectures, and other forms, the center will build a bridge for interdisciplinary dialogue between academia, the art world, and the public, allowing the power of art to play a role in a broader range of fields.  


  • 书籍文献:超过500本关于博伊斯的书籍与画册,涵盖从1961年到2024年的经典出版物与新作,如《斯蒂芬·艾肯:艺术家、郊狼与笼子:1974年约瑟夫·博伊斯在纽约》(Stephen Aiken: An Artist, a Coyote, and a Cage: Joseph Beuys in New York 1974)。

  • 照片档案:构建包括全球资源链接与实体照片档案的双重体系,整理、研究博伊斯多元的创作轨迹。

  • 电影资料:逐步建立博伊斯行为艺术与媒体干预作品的影像库,为学者提供深入研究的机会。

  • 多版本作品:系统建立博伊斯作品的多版本收藏,展现其艺术材料的符号学意义.。

  • 版画与海报:覆盖博伊斯职业生涯的版画与超过100张合作设计的展览海报,展现其视觉传达的多样性。声音艺术:收藏博伊斯创作的完整黑胶唱片,作为其艺术实践与声音探索的补充与延伸。


  • Books and Documents: Over 500 books and catalogs on Beuys, including classic and recent publications from 1961 to 2024, such as Stephen Aiken: An Artist, a Coyote, and a Cage: Joseph Beuys in New York 1974.

  • Photographic Archives: A dual system linking global resources with physical archives, documenting and studying Beuys’ diverse creative journey.

  • Films: A growing video library of Beuys’ performance art and media interventions, offering scholars opportunities for in-depth research.

  • Multiples: Systematic collections of various versions of Beuys’ works, emphasizing the semiotic significance of his artistic materials.

  • Prints and Posters: Prints and over 100 collaborative exhibition posters spanning Beuys’ career, showcasing the diversity of his visual communication.

  • Sound Art: A collection of Beuys’ completes vinyl records, complementing and extending his exploration of sound in art.



⦁ 主题展览

⦁ 学术讲座

⦁ 跨学科研讨会

⦁ 公众教育活动



The Joseph Beuys Research Center is not only a collection and research institution but also an academic and educational platform. In the future, the center will regularly hold:

⦁ Thematic Exhibitions

⦁ Academic Lectures

⦁ Interdisciplinary  Seminars

⦁ Public Education  Activities

Through these activities, the center aims to offer new perspectives on Beuys’ artistic philosophy and methods, inspiring innovation in the role of art in societal development.



The establishment of the Joseph Beuys Research Center marks a significant step in the ENNOVA Art Museum’s journey toward internationalization and academic excellence. This platform looks forward to supporting contemporary art research in China, Asia, and the world through this platform, and inspiring more exploration and thought on art, society, environment, and energy with Beuys's artistic spirit.



The Joseph Beuys Research Center looks forward to witnessing the power of art and exploring the infinite possibilities of the future with you!