开馆时间:周二 至 周日 8:00AM - 6:00PM

最晚入场时间:5:30 PM



ENNOVA Emerging Art Power Annual Programme: Young Curators Project

“Young Curators Project”, an annual exhibition program initiated by ENNOVA Art Museum in 2024, invites international curators under the age of 40 (regardless of nationality) to submit proposals, and provides funding and venues for selected ones to be realized. The project highlights contemporaneity and critical thinking, encouraging young curators to address experimental themes of contemporary and critical awareness that reflect the development of modern and contemporary art and society through exhibitions. The primary goal of the project is to identify young curators with potential in the field of contemporary art and foster interaction between young curators, artists, and scholars. By maintaining sensitivity to cutting-edge topics in Chinese and global contemporary art, the project promotes academic discourse and innovative thinking among young curators by providing an open and experimental space.


Exhibition: Young Curators Project




The inaugural “ Young Curators Project” will offer awards to three selected proposals. Exhibition funds of RMB 800,000 will be offered to support the realization of the winning proposal and a cash award of RMB 80,000 (after tax) will be offered to the winning curators, all from the “ Young Curators Project” Funds. A cash award of RMB 20,000 (after tax) will be offered to the remaining two groups. The top ten proposals will be featured in a publication. The exhibition is scheduled to open in September 2024.
The funding provided includes various expenses (but not limited to the following), such as curator fees, artist fees, artwork production costs, installation costs, and transportation, accommodation, and food expenses for participants involved in the exhibition.


Floor Plan and Image of the Exhibition Hall


Review Process
Members of the panel will be invited by the "Young Curators Project" of .ENNOVA Art Museum.
Preliminary check: The“ Young Curators Project” team will review and select valid proposals based on the open call requirements.
Second Assessment: The panel will evaluate the valid proposals and assign scores. Based on these scores, three groups of finalists will be selected, ranked from highest to lowest average score.
Final Evaluation: The panel will conduct interviews and collectively vote to select one finalist or group of finalists based on their assessments and discussions.

Requirements for Application:
1. The proposal must be contemporary art-related and there are no restrictions in terms of theme or category.
2. Applicants and participating artists should be born on or after 1 January 1984, regardless of nationality.
3. Applications may be submitted by an individual or curatorial team (no more than 3 individuals).
* the curator's fees and total prize remain unchanged, regardless of the amount of curators.
* Applicants may not be participating artists in their proposals.


Guidelines for Application:

The proposal must include an overview (at least 1,000 words); a list of participating artists and their introduction; a list of works to be exhibited (illustrations and texts, no more than 200 words each); a timetable; a budget (download and complete the sheet); a related research plan (no more than 1,500 words).

2. Exhibition Design
A preliminary exhibition design based on the floor plan and images of the exhibition hall.

3. Curators’ Information
Applicant information is required: CV (please provide as much detail as possible on previous exhibitions independently curated or co-curated, articles or reviews published in journals or magazines, exhibition-related public education or promotion plan (both online and offline)), ID/PASSPORT (scan copy), valid contact information.

4. Submit
Online applications only; 
Application deadline: 12:00 PM, Jun. 30th, 2024;
Mail to info@ennovaartmuseum.com.cn;
Please indicate the subject of the email as “The Young Curators Project 2024 + applicant name”;
Submissions should include all materials in one file package only, with a maximum of 30M per application;
Video samples and other large files could be listed as links;
Construction details are required in the application for installation work;
Please go to the museum’s official website ennovaartmuseum.com.cn to download the application form and budget sheet;
All materials should be in either Chinese or English;
Information of each applicant is required for co-curated proposals;
If you have any questions, please contact us via info@ennovaartmuseum.com.cn.

When participating in “Young Curators Project”, please carefully review the guidelines in the open call and submit all required materials. Applicants who do not meet the requirements or fail to submit the necessary materials will not pass the preliminary check.
The allocation and utilization of the Funds, as well as the selection of exhibition production suppliers, will be subject to review and approval by the ENNOVA Art Museum. All relevant implementation rules and procedures must adhere to national regulations. If the budget is exceeded, the winner will be responsible for covering any unpredictable additional costs.
The ENNOVA Art Museum team will assist the selected curators in refining the exhibition proposal to ensure compliance with national fire safety codes for public spaces. Exhibited works must meet technical safety requirements and remain operational and well-maintained throughout the exhibition period of at least three months. In the event of an emergency withdrawal, the ENNOVA Art Museum reserves the right to disqualify any selected individual or team that is unable to practically execute the exhibition, lacks a sense of responsibility, does not comply with management rules, or fails to complete the required work. This measure is taken to uphold the quality of the exhibition.

Under national regulations, submitting a program constitutes a declaration as follows: 
Originality: The proposal is original and does not infringe upon the rights and interests of others, including copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property rights. It has not been previously used in other exhibitions or commercial events. Violators will be disqualified and may face legal consequences.
Intellectual Property Rights: All rights are reserved for the applicants. The Museum has the right to display and promote the winning proposal. Any other use of the winning proposal requires the Museum’s consent.
Information Release: The museum’s website and public channels are designated for the release of information related to the proposal.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Participating proposals must align with Chinese laws and regulations, and must not violate Chinese laws.

*ENNOVA Art Museum reserves all the rights for the final interpretation.


About ENNOVA Art Museum
ENNOVA Art Museum, founded in 2019 by the famous entrepreneur Wang Yusuo, is a comprehensive art museum that originated from the cultural mission of Xinyi Holdings. Located in Langfang, the core region of the Jing-Jin-Ji cluster, the museum serves as a cultural and art institution of diverse positions and varied ecological landscapes.

ENNOVA Art Museum, a non-profit cultural and art institution, is situated in the western area of the Silk Road Cultural and Art Exchange Center, covering an area of more than 30,000 square meters. Directed by Zhang Zikang, professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the museum adheres to an academic orientation, dedicated to establishing itself on one hand as a prominent cultural and art exchange platform with significant international influence, on the other as a vital learning space for the public to deepen their understanding of art and enhance their aesthetic sensibilities. This commitment is achieved through research-based exhibitions, academic historical studies, various forms of public education, and the continuous and systematic growth of its collections, thus creating a new paradigm for art museums to promote art innovation and development in an academic approach.