开馆时间:周二 至 周日 8:00AM - 6:00PM

最晚入场时间:5:30 PM



Song Dong and Yin Xiuzhen: Quarter and Moment, Exit and Entry

This exhibition, which attempts to explore a new approach to presenting “solo exhibitions,” stands on the one hand as solo exhibitions that highlight distinctive personal characteristics of individual artists, on the other as “group exhibitions” that foster dialogue and co-fusion, closely involving audience participation. Song Dong and Yin Xiuzhen each named their solo exhibitions after the title of one of their works: Quarter and Moment and Exit and Entry respectively. Leveraging the museum’s architectural features, the north and south halls will be dedicated to separate solo exhibitions by each artist, while along the central axis running from the first to the fourth floor, the space will alternate between collaborative works and individual pieces by each artist. This layout, guided by the themes of each artist, aims to create a dynamic circuit of mutual circulation.


Through their distinctive materials, language, and artistic styles, the two artists, adopting two approaches to creation - independent and collaborative - and engaging in both macroscopic and microscopic perspectives of observation, offer a complementary and speculative expression, as well as an entirely new form of exhibition. This exhibition transcends mere communication and dialogue between the two artists through their individual works. Instead, it is also an exploration and shared narrative that emerges from the interplay between their works. Additionally, in terms of the exhibition itself, there is an attempt to explore new ways of constructing and presenting solo exhibitions for artists in contemporary contexts.


Throughout the exhibition, the two artists shift perspectives via the alternation of a series of works, highlighting the variation and interplay between external change and internal reconstruction, and presenting the flashbacks and loops of the journey of life in the form of a thought experiment. The exhibition is more than just a documentation of personal experiences and reflections shared between individuals; it is also a historical and contemporary narrative of collective change. This offers us an opportunity to retrospectively contemplate the trajectory of life, to examine, observe, and reflect on a moment’s experience, an approach, a kind of tradition, and a place’s civilization, identifying with the history as well as the future, the individual as well as the collective.