Open Time: Tuesday through Sunday


Last Admission: 5:30 PM

Venue Address: 300 meters south of the intersection of Jinyuan Road and Xinkai Road, Langfang Economic and Technological Development Area, Hebei Province (click to view)


ENNOVA Art Biennale 2024 | Exhibition Theme Interpretation and List of Participating Artists


The First ENNOVA Art Biennial

Multiple Future 

a new vision of our life


Participating Artists

24 countries in the world

91 International Renowned Artists



Exhibited works

85 Groups nearly 100 Items
Installations,sculptures, andvideos,Architecture, painting, etc.



Exhibition space

5 exhibition halls 

oversized public space
nearly 10,000 ㎡



Jointly explore 

contemporary art and creativity


展览时间 | Exhibition period

2024.10.27— 2025.05.07

展览地点Exhibition Location


ENNOVA Art Museum

Share Link :

The first ENNOVA Art Biennale will open on October 26th, 2024, and will be open to the public on October 27. This Biennial is hosted by the ENNOVA Art Museum, with internationally renowned curator and art critic Fumio Nanjo as the chief curator. The curatorial research team consists of scholars such as Miwa Kutsuna, Andrea Del Guercio, Hatanaka Minoru, and Qilan Shen.


The Biennial will gather 91 internationally famous artists from 24 countries worldwide. Nearly 100 artworks will stretch across the five exhibition halls from east to west and the public spaces of the ENNOVA Art Museum, presenting an astonishing display in an exhibition area of nearly 10,000 square meters.  


池田亮司 Ryoji Ikeda 测试图案[nº13] Test Pattern[nº13] 2024 
4台DLP投影仪、电脑、扬声器 4 DLP projectors, computers, speakers.
图片©马丁·阿吉罗格拉 photo © Martin Argyroglo
※本次双年展将展出同系列新作测试图案[nº15] This Biennial will display a new work of the same series,  test pattern [nº15] .


The first ENNOVA Art Biennale had the theme of "Multiple Future : a new vision of our life"  exploring the essence of contemporary art and creativity. Modern humanity is facing a series of diverse and global social issues. Those challenges cannot be resolved unless we think differently from conventional ways and examine humanity from a broader perspective, based on which we shall explore possible solutions.


阮纯诗 Nguyen Trinh Thi 如何改善世界 How to Improve the World 2021 
视频(静帧) Video(Still Frame)
图片致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist


The solution is not simply about reverting to ancient ways of life; rather, it leans on proactively embracing and leveraging new scientific and technological advancements. Creativity lies at the heart of these technologies and equally in arts, that allows humanity to break free, transcending disciplinary boundaries, and envisioning innovative solutions that are entirely new.


伊索拉特亚·佩卡和伊索拉特亚·泰亚 Isorattya Pekka eTeija(PEKKA & TEIJA ISORÄTTYÄ) 机器波西米亚人 Robohemians 2022 
混合介质:金属、陶瓷、塑料、电子零部件 mixed media: metal, ceramic, plastic, electronic parts
图片©维莱·马基拉 photo © Ville Mäkilä


The latest scientific technologies are being deployed by artists in contemporary art-making. the relationship between art and science have become intimate. This Biennale ventures to explore the changing art scenes today, categorized into four chapters : Expansion on Sounds and Voices, Creation on the Borders, Future of Environment, and Post-Anthropocene.


朱利安·夏利耶 Julian Charrière 纯粹浪费 Pure Waste 2021
视频(静帧) Video(Still Frame)
图片致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist



Expansion on Sounds and Voices


In the first chapter, the focus is on "sound" as a material for artistic expression. From the mid-20th century, using sound as a material for artistic expression has become common. In performance art after the Second World War, sound as a critical element had already attained its unique position. John Cage's series of works are particularly memorable in this period of time. His famous work 4’33’’ is known for being completely silent when Cage sat in front of the piano, showing the extreme of sound in a performance.


汉斯·彼得·库恩 Hans Peter Kuhn 未定义的景观 Undefined Landscape 2007
扬声器、灯、地毯 loudspeakers, lamps, carpets
图片©山本 糾 photo © Tadasu Yamamoto


Presently, sound in artistic expressions has appeared to be ubiquitous in various forms, from sounds emitted by the human body (i.e.,voice) to those in nature, from machines, and digital audio generated by computers. 


小泉明郎 Meiro Koizumi 反梦 #1(带雕塑的房间)Anti-Dream #1 (Room with a Sculpture) 2020 
音响、耳机、摇头灯、烟雾机 sound device, headphone, moving-head light, and smoke machine
图片由Keizo Kioku提供 Photo by: Keizo Kioku


At this Biennale, the video works of Carsten Nicolai and Krsn Brasko will demonstrate the combination of computer graphics and electronic music. The "Expansion on Sounds and Voices" chapter will showcase the works by 30 artists (28 groups), whose works will jointly explore the boundless possibilities of sound in contemporary art.


莫塔兹·纳塞尔 Moataz Nasr 塔布拉鼓 The Tabla 2003 
视频装置 video installation
图片致谢艺术家和常青画廊 Courtesy of the artist and GALLERIA CONTINUA



The Artists(Groups) in This Chapter


● 约瑟夫·博伊斯(Joseph Beuys)

● 克莱芒·科吉托尔(Clément Cogitore)

● 约翰·凯奇(John Cage)

● 雷安德罗·埃利希(Leandro Erlich)

● 和田永


● 江原宽人(evala)

● 比尔·丰塔纳(Bill Fontana)

● 金守子(Kimsooja)

● 汉斯·彼得·库恩(Hans Peter Kuhn)

● 河原温(On Kawara)

● 小泉明郎(Meiro Koizumi)

● 克里斯汀·孙·金(Christine Sun Kim)

● 安妮·伊姆霍夫(Anne Imhof)

● 宫岛达男(Tatsuo Miyajima)

● 托马斯·马德(Thomas Mader)

● 卡斯滕·尼科莱+克雷斯纳·布拉斯科

(Carsten Nicolai + Krsn Brasko)

● 莫塔兹·纳塞尔(Moataz Nasr)

● 阮纯诗(Nguyen Trinh Thi)

● 乔·纳米(Joe Namy)

● 邱宇(Qiu Yu)

● 任莉莉(Li Li Ren)

● 坂本龙一+真锅大度

(Ryuichi Sakamoto+Daito Manabe)

● 托马斯·萨拉切诺(Tomás Saraceno)

● 奥拉·萨兹(Aura Satz)

● 安妮·勒·特罗特(Anne Le Trote)

● 谢雨帆+梅人:尔文·刘易斯+殷子遷+吴薇
(Xie Yufan+Melvin Lewis+Yin Ziqian+Wu Wei)

● 于伯公(Yu Bogong)

● 赵仁辉(Robert Zhao Renhui)



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Exhibition Period Reminder: Ryuichi Sakamoto + Daito Manabe “Sensing Streams – Invisible, Inaudible” This exclusive artwork will be exhibited from Sunday, October 27, 2024, to Tuesday, January 14, 2025.



Creation on the Borders


Human creative thinking frequently crosses these boundaries and merges with different fields, giving rise to entirely new perspectives. —The dialogues and debates between different fields can inspire new ideas and reveal the unknown world to us. The interplay of art with fashion, architecture, photography, design, philosophy, music, taste, and tacticity creates new forms of expression and narrative. The second chapter introduces creations on these “borders.”


帕特里克·特雷赛特 Patrick Tresset 人类研究#2 Human Study #2 2018 
复古学校课桌、机器人零件、电脑、填充动物玩具、玩具机器人、时钟等 Vintage schoold desk, robotic parts, computer, stuffed animals, toy robots, clock, etc.
图片致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist


This chapter will showcase the works of 13 artists (12 groups) who have integrated different fields of creation. Among them, Patrick Tresset's work "Human Study #2" explores the integration of artificial intelligence and painting art through a robotic installation. Jiayu Liu's work "Celestial Descendant (2024)" utilizes AI to reproduce the complexity and randomness of natural phenomena like wind and water flow. Aoyama Shuhei explores the relationship between human senses and environmental cognition by creating spaces that can only be perceived through touch, sound, and smell. These works will demonstrate the breakthroughs and reconstructions of the "boundaries" among different fields in contemporary art. 


青山周平 Aoyama Shuhei 不可视建筑 Invisible Architecture 2024 
木制框架结构 、内部软包填充 Wooden frame structure with internal soft padding
图片致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist 



The Artists(Groups)in This Chapter


● 赵和林(Chow and Lin)

● 玛丽亚·哈萨比(Maria Hassabi)

● 刘佳玉(Jiayu Liu)

● 艾米·卡丽(Amy Karle)

● 金优珍(KIM Woojin)

● 弗朗索瓦·罗什(Francois Roche)

● 安托万·罗吉尔(Antoine Roegiers)

● 青山周平(Aoyama Shuhei)

● 佩特拉·施敏(Petra Szemán)

● 施政(Shi Zheng)

● 帕特里克·特雷赛特(Patrick Tresset)

● 徐震(Xu Zhen)

● 郑达(Zheng Da)



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③ 明日地脉

Future of Environment


Chapter Three delves into the close connection between creativity and contemporary global issues, with a special focus on human sustainability, environmental and ecological problems, as well as fields like biotechnology and robotics. From global warming to urban waste issues. In the realm of art, many works use discarded materials to warn of environmental crises, raise public awareness by focusing on endangered species, and forecast the future of Earth’s environment through artistic expressions. The integration of art with other fields has brought new perspectives—artworks using recyclable and renewable materials not only showcase the coexistence of art and the environment but also stimulates deeper reflection on environmental issues and sustainable development among the audience. 


施政 Shi Zheng 余烬 Embers 2017
视听装置、大型屏幕、扬声器 Auido-Visual Installation, large-scale screen, loud speakers
图片由施政提供 Photo by: Shi Zheng


The works selected for display in this chapter include Zadok Ben-David's ground installation artwork "Blackfield," consisting of over 30,000 steel engraved flowers, which explores the life and death of nature. Luke Jerram's installation artwork "Gaia," which presents a 10-meter diameter spherical surface of Earth's surface image provided by NASA at a resolution of 120dpi.


扎多克·本-大卫 Zadok Ben-David 黑色田野 Blackfield 2006-2020
手绘不锈钢、沙子 Hand painted stainless steel and sand
图片©T.夏波托 photo © T.Chapotot


The artworks selected in this chapter not only present the artists’ profound insights into these issues but also reflect their exploration and contemplation of solutions. These works demonstrate to the audience how creativity can bridge the gap between art and reality, providing inspiration and direction for solving global issues.


卢克·杰拉姆 Luke Jerram 盖亚 Gaia 2018 
尼龙织物、内部风扇和照明、旋转器 直径10米 Nylon fabric, internal fan and lighting, rotator, 10 metres diameter
图片由卢克·杰拉姆提供 Photo by: Luke Jerram



The Artists(Groups)in This Chapter


● 苏珊娜·艾盖雅(Susanne Allgaier)

● 雷菲克·阿纳多尔(Refik Anadol)

● 扎多克·本-大卫(Zadok Ben-David)

● 朱利安·夏利耶(Julian Charrière)

● 纠缠的他者((Entangled Others)


/Feileacan K. McCormick & Sofia Crespo)

● 卢克·杰拉姆(Luke Jerram)

● 穆罕默德·卡泽姆(Mohammed Kazem)

● 龙盼(Long Pan)

● 刘建华(Liu Jianhua)

● 林嵐(Jaffa Lam)

● 法布里齐奥·普莱西(Fabrizio Plessi)

● 艾伦·桑菲斯特(Alan Sonfist)

● 施政(Shi Zheng)

● 本·库伦·威廉姆斯(Ben Cullen Williams)

● 杨沛铿(Trevor Yeung)

● 向京(Xiang Jing)



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④ 后人类世



The final chapter introduces a variety of realities and worldviews about the future depicted by art. Much of the future of humanity is likely to be greatly changed by science and technology developed by humans.


迪姆特·斯特雷贝 Diemut Strebe 甜心宝贝 Sugababe 2014
综合材质 Mixed Media 122 x 30.5 x 30.5 cm
图片致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist


The advancement of technology has unveiled a world we have never seen before and broadened our perspective of observing the micro and macro worlds. In the field of art, many works also deal with these deep-seated issues closely related to human existence.


洛朗·格拉索 Laurent Grasso 兰屿 Orchid Island 2023 
视频(静帧) Video(Still Frame)
图片由洛朗·格拉索/巴黎艺术作品著作权协会提供,致谢贝浩登画廊 Photo by: Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2024 Courtesy Perrotin


The fourth chapter will exhibit 28 groups of works by 32 artists(28 groups). These works not only carry the vision for the future but also reflect the profound thinking of the artists about the future of humanity.  


Contemplating the roots of creativity, its changes, and the new futures it offers humans is what will ultimately provide new answers to our most fundamental questions, as posed by Paul Gauguin: “Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?” These are the questions that underlie this Biennale.


阿莱·古泽蒂 Ale Guzzetti 10种不同的互动凝视 10 Different Interactive Gazes 2022-2024
PLA 3d打印、微型监视器、电子和机器人电路、传感器、合成语音 PLA 3D printing, miniature simple, electronic and robotic circuits, sensors, synthesized speech
图片致谢艺术家 Courtesy of the artist



The Artists(Groups)in This Chapter


● 阿莱·古泽蒂(Ale Guzzetti)

● 曹斐(Cao Fei)

● 曹舒怡(Cao Shuyi)

● 萨洛梅 · 夏特里奥(Salomé Chatriot)

● 卡罗琳·利布尔+尼古拉斯·施密德-普法勒

(Carolin Liebl + Nikolas Schmid-Pfähler)

● 迪姆特·斯特雷贝(Diemut Strebe)

● 何晋渭(He Jinwei)

● 黄永砯+沈远

(Huang Yongping +Shen Yuan)

● 佩卡·伊索拉蒂亚和泰亚·伊索拉蒂亚


● 贾蔼力(Jia Aili)

● 艾米·卡丽(Amy Karle)

● 李姝睿(Li Shurui)

● 洛朗·格拉索(Laurent Grasso) 

● 缪晓春(Miao Xiaochun)

● 帕翠西亚·皮奇尼尼(Patricia Piccinini)

● 托比亚斯·雷贝格(Tobias Rehberger)

● 池村玲子(Leiko Ikemura)

● 刘韡(Liu Wei)

● 池田亮司(Ryoji Ikeda)

● 山内祥太(Shota Yamauchi) 

● 施政(Shi Zheng)

● 隋建国(Sui Jianguo)

● 宋冬+尹秀珍(Song Dong+Yin Xiuzhen)

● 徐冰(Xu Bing)

● 武子杨+蒙胜宇
(Wu Ziyang+Meng Shengyu) 

● 杨泳梁(Yang Yongliang) 

● 叶凌翰(Ye Linghan)

● 展望(Zhan Wang) 



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Media Contact:

Chen Yanfang

Head of Branding Department, ENNOVA Art Museum 

Tel: 15230604569 (same as WeChat) 
